Jeremy Porter Road Blog

The Rock and Roll Adventures of Jeremy Porter and Jeremy Porter and The Tucos

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Road Blog: Friday April 08, 2016 - Lansing, MI

Welcome to springtime in Michigan, Kentucky! Vibrolas — with Chris Hosner and Leila Ann Coppala at Gtg. Starla the cat, pissed that we ate ALL the tacos! — with Gabriel Doman and 6 others Patty Johnny Marky Joey Dee Dee — with Patrick L. O`Harris at The Avenue Cafe. The incredible Miski Dee! — at The Avenue Cafe.

Road Blog
April 8, 2017

After a fairly chill morning and early afternoon at the AIrBB we did a little record shopping around Grand Rapids and East Lansing. I snagged the new Tacocat record, despite the fact that they're playing up the street from us in Detroit tonight, as well as an original German pressing of Metal Heart by Accept and an original pressing of Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith. At Flat Black and Circular in East Lansing we ran into some pals from the band Hordes (Lansing) who we played with in Allen park a couple years back, so that was a pleasant surprise.

We got to The Plurals' practice space just as Vibrolas were finishing up their video shoot and we set up for ours. It's a cool series that GTG Records does where bands stop in and play a couple tunes, then they mix it all and put it up on YouTube. Everyone at GTG and The Plurals camp is so chill and friendly, it was a lot of fun to hang out, make some noise, throw back a couple beers and relax. We all gasped as we walked outside into blizzard-like conditions. Afterwards, we went upstairs where Miski Dee (the opener for the show) made some tacos, beans and rice for everyone that were nothing short of amazing.

The Avenue Cafe is a new venue for us. It's a big room with a balcony and a nice stage and good sound. The staff was friendly and we quickly settled in with beers and I got a Rice Krispy Treat that I just couldn't pass up. Miski Dee went on first, solo-electric, and played a set of songs from her various projects. We were all just captivated by her great voice and hooky pop punk songs. I will definitely make a point to see her bands sometime!

We were up next and after a little bit of a rough start we found our groove about 2 songs in. A couple songs later we were really clicking when Patty broke a bass string, something that almost never happens. Leila from The Vibrolas came to the rescue with her Guild and we were back in business, though I have to say that the bass doesn't look nearly as nice on Patty as it does on Leila.

Vibrolas were up next and sounded amazing. The room was better suited for them than the night before and they really brought it. Another great set! After them The Plurals went on, playing their first local show in a long time. As with Vibrolas, they played and sounded great and really delivered.

We loaded out and hit the road for the hour drive home in the icy, snowy night. The roads weren't great but we didn't feel like death was eminent. I was sober and at the wheel, so all I had to fight were the elements and the desire to close my eyes and sleep. We pulled in at 3am, unloaded guitars and records, the boys went home and I went to bed. It was a long day, but super fun.

Tonight were at Northern Lights Lounge in the New Center area of Detroit. It's a great club and always a good time. We're sad that it's the last night with these 2 great bands, but feeling more like celebrating and partying than bumming out. Come join us!!!!!

Jeremy Porter

Rock and roll, traveling, touring, guitars, records, dive bars, whiskey, good food, TrooperGirl22.

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